== Niklas Hernaeus <nhe> ==

=== General activity ===

 * Prepared report of Linaro Connect for STE Competence group, security.
   To be held Monday 2011-11-14.
 * Preparing DT report for Knowledge sharing session. 20% done.
 * Preparing a Linaro collaboration tools session. (irc, mumble, etherpad,
   blueprints, rypple) 20% done. Date and form not set.
 * Sent out a lurking patch from Linus. Consequences not fully understood.
 * Found some issues with done dt support for uarts. Probably just need a
   kernel rebase.

=== Plans ===
 * Make detailed plans for the work items.
 * Present Linaro Connect report for STE Competence group.
 * Make the dt uarts work again.
 * Start work on dt i2c.
 * Also, MMC must be included in the blueprints, somewhere at the top,
   below i2c.