Hi Bryan,
             I have written a very small writeup of the things which was required to do the libjpeg-turbo benchmark integration with LAVA. I have also updated the writeup in wiki https://wiki.linaro.org/Internal/People/RonyNandy/LAVAforMultimedia . Feel free to update and modify with new findings and editings.We can move the wiki from People once it is in  a better shape.

Steps to write a test definition for a Multimedia Component for LAVA

1) A test definition in python script needs to be written for the tests/benchmarks you want to run on LAVA.
    A simple example of a test definition is this which was written for libjepeg-turbo.
This example is for android.


I suggest you start with a simpler one to be run on Ubuntu.You don't need a target board to develop the scrip.Developing
the script to run x86 code on host is fine for script development.The assumption here is that the x86 binary works
the same as the android/ubuntu arm port. 

2)The test definition can be written on lines of the the above example and validated on the host system
 using  command example $lava-test  example.py

 Please run the following commands on oneiric host to install
 the LAVA based utilities

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-validation/ppa
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install lava-dashboard
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-validation/ppa
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install lava-dispatcher
 sudo apt-get install bzr python-distutils-extra python-testtools python-parted command-not-found python-yaml python-beautifulsoup python-wxgtk2.6
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-validation/ppa
 sudo   apt-get install lava-test

3)The debugging of the script needs to be done using lava-test and make sure that the script does not throw any errors.
  The lava-test commands are:
  lava-test uninstall example
  lava-test install example
  lava-test run example
  lava-test parse example

4)The python script needs to be sent(or pull request) to the Linaro validation team to be merged on the LAVA Server so that it gets
 displayed on the dashboard.

5) We are yet to run our own LAVA server locally to do final merge locally,but it is on the cards for Jan 12.

On 12/01/2011 04:02 AM, Bryan Honza wrote:
I suppose I found the ubuntu 11.11 release image and booted that on panda:

I ended up using the instructions and panda desktop image from here: http://releases.linaro.org/images/11.11/oneiric/ubuntu-desktop/ 

I found these instructions first, http://releases.linaro.org/11.11/ubuntu/leb-panda/ but the media create tool didn't work, spent much time getting qemu to update, only to find out media create still wanted to update my system packages...didn't want to go there.

I have yet to figure out where the source code is obtained for this release, so I have just have binaries now :)


On 30 November 2011 13:32, Bryan Honza <bryan.honza@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi Ilias,
Yes that's fine...my question was because I saw this note indicating that LAVA Test isn't used on Android:

"1) LAVA Test (formerly known as Abrek) is the test runner framework. It is on traditional Linux images -- Android is tested differently."


On 30 November 2011 12:51, Ilias Biris <ilias.biris@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi Bryan

eventually we should be using both. But predominantly using Ubuntu I
guess. Android is usually added after we have done work on the Ubuntu side.

Hope this makes sense :-)


On 30/11/11 18:56, Bryan Honza wrote:
> One bit of info that would help me is: should I be using ubuntu or android?
Ilias Biris ilias.biris@linaro.org
Project Manager, Linaro
M: +358504839608, IRC: ibiris Skype: ilias_biris
Linaro.org│ Open source software for ARM SoCs

Rony Nandy
Multimdedia Working Group,
www.linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs