
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Nicolas Dechesne <894389@bugs.launchpad.net> wrote:
However, the linaro kernel includes the PVR driver for GB indeed
(DDK1.7) but for Ubuntu we use an external PVR module that is provided
as an out-of-driver. so you might be able to update the in-tree PVR to
1.8 without impacting Ubuntu images at all.

This was what I was proposing as a general rule:
 1. in-kernel module == android
 2. out-of-kernel tree == ubuntu would definitely recommend that we main a common base kernel used for

Ubuntu and put the Android stuff in another branch as I am not sure if
the android bits will impact Ubuntu GFX... it might be able to be
managed with flags eventually, but let's start with a branch.

I would prefer if we default to use the same branch and only start branching off
after good evaluation and knowing that there are issues (rather than suspecting).

Alexander Sack
Technical Director, Linaro Platform Teams
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