== Progress ==

* Buildbots
 - Prepared buildbot images, tested, setup is very quick and efficient
 - Set up local buildmaster, two buildslaves doing self-hosting tests
 - Each slave took 20 minutes setup time, including flashing SDCard
 - Failures after a few hours running at 100% @ 1.2GHz @ < 26C
 - Reducing to 920MHz does fix the problem, but this is not a solution
 - Leaving the two pandas alive during Connect in hope they won't fail

* LNT Lencod
 - Following up on Lencod stack corruption, we're closer to a solution

* Dibmod
 - Didn't have much time to look at it properly, but my solution was over simplified
 - Will probably only look at it better after Connect

* Chromebook
 - Had to re-install Ubuntu on it, using Raring (Saucy didn't work)
 - Glad all my data is in the external hard-drive

* Others
 - Added a doc about platform-specific tests that usually break the bots
 - LLVMLinux meeting, cross-compilation with Clang is almost impossible
 - Haven't been able to review many patches, thanks to Tim, they kept going!

== Plan ==

* Connect whole next week

== After Connect ==

* Finish implementation AEABI divmod/udivmod calls
* Check why Phoronix result pages are not working
* Put self-hosting bots back on 920MHz mode in the Lab