
Since LLVM is moving on to C++11, I need to replace our buildbot GCCs with 4.7+ (the new minimum requirement), but I'd like to use whatever is the most stable and modern GCC version for native compilation. I could get the latest and greatest on our repository, but I know how compilers are written, and pardon me if I don't trust new releases... ;)

Does any one have an opinion on which is the most stable, preferably 4.8, release of native ARMv7 GCC binaries?

For some odd reason, we just release cross-compilers, so, in that case, where would I look for a native GCC, other than in my Ubuntu/Arch repositories? ARM? CodeSourcery?

I *really* don't want to compile it myself... My lack of available fast ARM hardware is disturbing, and I don't want to spend a week cross-compiling GCC.
