The good news is, my build completed successfully, once I put those extra libs in /usr/lib and updated my PATH to include the bin in the work area.

The bad news is, there are a number of utililties that this build doesn't produce, that my CodeSourcery 4.4.1 has:

ldconfig  sln

catchsegv  gencat   getent  ldd     localedef  pcprofiledump  sprof     xtrace
gdbserver  getconf  iconv   locale  mtrace     rpcgen         tzselect

POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32   catchsegv  iconvconfig  nscd           tzselect
POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG  gdbserver  ldconfig     pcprofiledump  xtrace
POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32   gencat     ldd          rpcgen         zdump
POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG  getconf    locale       rpcinfo        zic
XBS5_ILP32_OFF32       getent     localedef    sln
XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG      iconv      mtrace       sprof


iconvconfig  nscd  rpcinfo  zdump  zic

Do you know what sources these are built from?

I also don't have the i18n/{charmaps/locales} files. At a minimum, I definitely need that (and localedef) -- getconf would also be nice to have.


On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Diane Holt <> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for hanging in there with me :)
> I know now why those three libs didn't build -- their configure-target-* target failed, because when it tried to compile a little test program, the loader couldn't find libmpc. I did include the --with-mpc flag in the GCCFLAGS in your Makefile, but apparently that doesn't carry down through to here -- so I just moved it (and gmp and mpfr) all to /usr/lib, and now the configure-target-libstdc++-v3 no longer gets that error. Unfortunately, it failed to find arm-linux-gnueabi-ar when it was trying to archive libgcc.a. It does exist (in build/sysroot/.../cross-gcc-linaro/bin, but I'll have to dig around a bit more to see how to get it to find it there (or maybe I'll just throw them all into /usr/bin :)
> Anyway, I think I'm getting close...
> Diane