Hi Robert,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Robert Nelson <robertcnelson@gmail.com> wrote:
> We've moved to a quarterly release schedule for the prebuilt binary. The
> next release will be 14.12, so some time around the end of the month. It was
> delayed a month due to our scheduled lab move and new setup. You can
> subscribe to the linaro-release and linaro-announce mailing list for
> notifications on all Linaro releases.
> http://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/

I can understand "not" supporting intermediary build releases. But
your kinda missing out on "lazy" end users/developers testing
opportunities. (yes we can build from src, but you got us use to the

BTW, This was one of the big annoyances of the "CodeSoucery" days,
where it would be months between release and everything would be
broken between releases. (1)  Please don't drag us down that path

1: http://elinux.org/ARMCompilers#Limitations

The decision move to a quarterly schedule was actually done with the intention of providing better stability for our releases. With the amount of work (backports, feature requests etc.) required it was just unfeasible to fully and properly test and validate the releases on a monthly basis. You 'may' still be able to see an unofficial monthly engineering release at http://snapshots.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries, but obviously it'll be unsupported and can be buggy. That said, the GCC source release is still on a monthly schedule, and Linaro reserve the right to respin or to spin a monthly release (both prebuilt binary and sources) as 'latest' if we encounter a bug.



Robert Nelson