
This week was spent doing internal ST-E work, but related to the Linaro tcwg so I will give a short summary anyway.

I have taken the Linaro toolchain (prebuilt by the Android working group) and used it in our internal Android build.
There were several build errors, as expected when going from gcc-4.4.3, which is the default compiler in Android (Gingerbread) to gcc-4.6.2. Many errors were solved with patches from the Linaro Android distribution.

Did some benchmarking related to web browsing:
ARMBBench (load and rendering of web pages) - gave me 4-6% improvement with the Linaro toolchain.
Sunspider and BroserMark (JavaScript) - gave me ~6% overall regression with the Lianaro toolchain. However, when zooming in to individual test cases - SunSpider consist of ~25 tests in 9 categories - the results are really scattered. A few tests are mainly contributing to the regression. I try to narrow things down to understand which code parts in v8 (the JavaScript engine) that causes the slowdown.

Best regards