Hi Sam,

           The changes to uefi-tools would simply leverage build facilities already available in the upstream Tianocore.  I the clean is correctly facilitated from this script, nothing needs to be modified regarding Tianocore proper.  Hope this helps :).


On 23 April 2014 08:39, Sam Protsenko <semen.protsenko@linaro.org> wrote:
Thanks for inputs, guys. I forgot to mention that I work on original
EDK2 code, so it's not about Linaro build script, I'm just trying to
make some improvements to build system that can be upstreamed.

Have another question: I heard about weak dependency checking in UEFI
build system. Could anybody provide any details on it? I mean, how to
reproduce it, how it supposed to work etc?

On 22 April 2014 15:26, Ryan Harkin <ryan.harkin@linaro.org> wrote:
> On 21 April 2014 17:27, Al Stone <al.stone@linaro.org> wrote:
>> On 04/21/2014 09:46 AM, Anmar Oueja wrote:
>>> Thanks for the input guys. More feedback from others would be very
>>> useful so please take a few moments to write Sam.
>>> anmar
>>> On 18 April 2014 14:51, Steven Kinney <steven.kinney@linaro.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Roy and Sam,
>>>>            I will give this a go while testing release builds and
>>>> intermediate builds.  I usually cd into BaseTools, command  a 'make
>>>> clean'
>>>> and remove the Build folder, for all targets, or a specific target I am
>>>> rebuilding.
>>> Thanks for the feedback guys much appreciated. More findings from
>>> others are also appreciated
>>> anmar
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>> Hrm.  So am I supposed to be using a Makefile or uefi-build.sh?
>> I thought it was the latter.  Regardless, I too run into the
>> problems with not being able to clean things properly.  If I'm
>> using uefi-build.sh, perhaps something like this:
>>     ./uefi-build.sh -b CLEAN mymachine
>> If we're supposed to be using a Makefile, is it in the git tree?
>> I don't see it on cloning.
> Olivier added a Makefile in commit e349327f back in Sept 2012:
> ./ArmPlatformPkg/Scripts/Makefile
> ... but that isn't the one referenced here.
> The BaseTools has always used a Makefile, but we've hidden it inside
> uefi-build.sh.
> And I completely agree that adding a clean option to uefi-build.sh would be
> a great idea!
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