Adding Linaro-UEFI list as Leif is on sabbatical.


I’ve also applied ShellR64.patch into the EDK Shell source dir.




MELVIN DIONIO   Description: Description: Description: red
MTS Product Development Engineer | System Level Test
7171 Southwest Parkway, Austin, TX 78735 USA
O +(1) 512-602-0414
Description: Description: Description: image004  
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From: Dionio, Melvin
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 4:58 PM
To: ''
Subject: EFI Shell via PXEboot
Importance: High


Hi Leif,


I’m Melvin Dionio from AMD and is currently working on our ARMv8 SOC. I’m trying to PXEBoot an EFI Shell with a hard coded path for the EFI boot loader. This is to negate having to run startup.nsh.


I tried to use the following EDK2 and Shell project to generate the Shell.efi but kept on getting an issue. Not sure what I’m still missing. I’m using this commandline:


I’ve tried to use the EFI Shell Project below but kept on getting an error. Is there a way to hardcode the EFI path without having to use this EFI Shell project?


Linaro EDK2



EFI Shell Project







MELVIN DIONIO   Description: Description: Description: red
MTS Product Development Engineer | System Level Test
7171 Southwest Parkway, Austin, TX 78735 USA
O +(1) 512-602-0414
Description: Description: Description: image004  
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