The easy way to boot Linux from NOR Flash is to replace the Linux kernel file already provided on the board (named ‘/SOFTWARE/Image’).
Copy your Linux kernel image into the Juno NOR Flash by connecting the Juno board to your host machine using a USB cable connected to the “USB configuration
port” (
When you start the Juno board, the Juno board should appear as a USB mass-storage on your host machine.
After copying the file, ensure you un-mount the USB mass-storage on your host machine and reboot the Juno board.
Your new Linux kernel image should be ready to be booted by UEFI
FYI, the Juno board has a micro-controller that writes the files copied on the USB mass-storage to the NOR Flash following a specific file system (what named
as ‘ARM BootMon File System’).
UEFI recognizes this file system format.
Let me know if you need more information.
From: []
On Behalf Of jayanthi annadurai
Sent: 17 March 2015 19:19
Subject: [Linaro-uefi] UEFI ARM Bootmonfs
I want to boot Linux from NOR flash.
I see that ARM juno board is using BootMonFs file system on NOR flash.
How to create BootMonFs on NOR flash?
Is there any other option available to use NOR as a boot device?
Thank you,