On Jul 23, 2014, at 5:36 AM, Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com> wrote:

On 07/23/14 13:34, Varad Gautam wrote:
Hi, I am working on the BeagleBoneBlack port for EDK2 and am facing an
issue with
PcdGet(): it always returns `0` no matter what the PCD is set to. However,
FixedPcdGet() works fine (I've had to patch edk2 to replace all PcdGet
calls with
FixedPcdGet to get PrePi working which is a bad idea).

What form do get for _PCD_GET_MODE_*_PcdFvBaseAddress in the AutoGen.h? That is the real issue. 

#define PcdGet8(TokenName)                  _PCD_GET_MODE_8_##TokenName
The behavior of libraries (try to inherit things from drivers) and drivers is different. Where is the PCD in question? 

The build report too shows the PCDs being set to their proper values,
and so do the
AutoGen.i file macros like `const UINT32 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdFvBaseAddress
= 0x80008000U;`

I've come up with two reasons to this,
* Is there a build flag I'm missing to enable PcdGet support?
* `_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdFvBaseAddress` is declared with
`GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED` in AutoGen.c and gets removed before
I can use it. This also explains why FixedPcdGet would work, since
`_PCD_VALUE_PcdFvBaseAddress` is correctly #defined to be  0x80008000U.

This happens for all fixed-at-build type PCDs. Also, I'm linked to
PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf for the buid. What could
I try to fix it?

You're getting this result because you're combining incorrect library
class resolution with RELEASE builds.

Yes it is good to debug with DEBUG builds.


Andrew Fish

(I cannot condemn RELEASE builds
enough.) Namely, you call

   LibPcdGet32 (
     IN UINTN             TokenNumber

     return 0;

from "MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/PcdLib.c", and since you build for
RELEASE, the ASSERT() is a no-op. In a DEBUG build you'd have caught
this immediately with a failed assertion: the Null implementation of
PcdLib doesn't allow you to actually access PCDs.

Library instances that usably resolve the PcdLib library class are:

$ git grep -l 'LIBRARY_CLASS *= *PcdLib' -- '*.inf'


In PEIMs, you need the fourth; in DXE & UEFI drivers, you need the third.

However, this is not the entire picture yet, because these libraries
delegate the work to a PPI (in PEI) and to a protocol (in DXE) that are
provided by dedicated drivers, respectively:
- MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd.inf
- MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd.inf

You should add these drivers to the corresponding (ie. PEI vs. DXE)
APRIORI files of the firmware volumes that your FDF file defines, so
that any driver loaded / dispatched later can use their PCD services
(through the above-mentioned library instances). Refer to
OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.fdf for examples.


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