This also occurs when OpenSSL is added and this is what we did to work around it:










    <Command.MSFT, Command.INTEL>

        "$(SLINK)" $(SLINK_FLAGS) /OUT:${dst} @$(OBJECT_FILES_LIST)



        "$(SLINK)" -cr ${dst} $(SLINK_FLAGS) @$(OBJECT_FILES_LIST)


    <Command.RVCT, Command.WINRVCT>

        "$(SLINK)" $(SLINK_FLAGS) ${dst} --via $(OBJECT_FILES_LIST)


    <Command.RVCTCYGWIN, Command.ARMGCC, Command.ARMLINUXGCC, Command.WINGCC, Command.ARM>


        # The original workaround for this...

        # "$(OBJECT_FILES_LIST) has wrong paths for cygwin"

        # ...was to use the $(OBJECT_FILES) inline.

        #      "$(SLINK)" $(SLINK_FLAGS) ${dst} $(OBJECT_FILES)      

        # However, when OpenSSL is included the resultant command line passed to AR is

        # ~75Kb and AR fails to invoke with a command line this large.

        # Therefore, instead we post process the object file list into the right form

        # for AR (swapping the path separators) and pass the object list as a file.


        sed "s:\\:/:g" $(OBJECT_FILES_LIST) > $(OBJECT_FILES_LIST).unix

        "$(SLINK)" $(SLINK_FLAGS)  ${dst} @$(OBJECT_FILES_LIST).unix



        "$(SLINK)" $(SLINK_FLAGS) ${dst} -filelist $(OBJECT_FILES_LIST)







From: [] On Behalf Of Jianning Wang
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 1:39 PM
Cc: Daniel Samuelraj
Subject: [Linaro-uefi] "aarch64-none-elf-ar" has command line string size limit??




I am working on compile a UEFI project for AARCH64 platform on a Windows 7 machince using the following toolchain.


Now everything compiles except the last step of using "aarch64-none-elf-ar". We have about 100 obj files (say from OBJ#001 to OBJ#100) and "aarch64-none-elf-ar" reported  "OBJ#50 file is missing". 


It seems to me that "aarch64-none-elf-ar" has a limit of the command line string size.I tried to shorten the directory name (and file name), the situation got improved a little bit, now "aarch64-none-elf-ar" reports ""OBJ#85 is missing".


Does anyone is there a such limit and how could we circumvent this problem?


