Thanks, all
Yes, running migrate is the right thing to do here.Andy Doan <> writes:
> On 10/10/2012 06:02 AM, YongQin Liu wrote:
>> Hi, Michael
>> When I use lava-tool submit-job to submit a job to my local lava
>> instance (with the buildout format),
>> I get the "Specified device not found" error like this:
>> (trunk2)18:54:05 liuyq:code$ lava-tool submit-job
>> http://admin:b9w73ap9lox1nxt6rwgsiz17wjsfcr8yu2i7qm7r7eztcj5kpfkhna0lq9rbx4zm01bffljx3ffaj7n5jckxrshyncyu3ur35nye1lgs0z1hedykyyujy7zhamwfgbjs@
>> /var/www/images/workspace/jobs/job_cts.json
>> EXPERIMENTAL - SUBJECT TO CHANGE (See --experimental-notice for more
>> info)
>> ERROR: <Fault 404: 'Specified device not found.'>
>> (trunk2)18:54:18 liuyq:code$
>> When I access the administration web page to check the device, I get the
>> "column lava_scheduler_app_devicetype.use_celery does not exist" error
>> like follwoing:
> <snip>
>> I guess this is because I did the the update with wrong method,
>> Do you know if I can fix this problem with some commands?
>> I guess if we can make the django create the database correctly, this
>> problem will go.
>> but I don't know how to do that:(
> I'm not sure how you got to this point. However, I *think* you can get
> your database back to a sane state by running:
> lava-server manage migrate
> This should get the proper database tables/columns in place to eliminate
> the error you described.