from LEG perspective this is a good point to discuss for Hadoop.
At the moment Apache Hadoop seems to have a limitation to work
only with IPv4:
http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HadoopIPv6 leading to "no
route to host" errors.
I do not think Cloudera is any better though I could not confirm
this with an 'official' link.
So as LEG is looking towards exercising hadoop this means we will
need IPv4 support. We should define what happens when BOTH ipv4/6
are supported. What we can check in LEG is which version of Hadoop
to use and which limitations it has regarding ipv6.
On 12/10/2012 10:46 AM, Dave Pigott wrote:
Hi all,
I was just discussing IPv6 with Philip Colmer, our new IT Services Manager (cc'd on this mail), and it strikes me that we should at least be considering dual running at some point in the future, i.e. providing both v4 and v6. I'm not clear what the ramifications are, or as yet whether Zen will support it. Philip has experience with this, and seems to remember that Zen do support it, but I'll bang an e-mail out to them to check.
The reason for this e-mail is to start a discussion as to whether we think it's worth raising a BP, or if we can ignore this issue.
Thoughts, comments and brickbats welcome.
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