On 15 June 2012 07:54, Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org> wrote:
Alexander Sack <asac@linaro.org> writes:

> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 9:59 PM, Michael Hudson-Doyle
> <michael.hudson@linaro.org> wrote:
>> Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org> writes:
>>>  From IRC earlier:
>>> <liuyq> asac, :( it will not work now, the branches has not been
>>> deployed. Also I haven't merged yet:(
>>> <asac> liuyq: we have to always deployt? thought we always pull latest
>>> from bzr
>>> <asac> we should always have access to all the latest tests without
>>> another deploy step
>>> <asac> doanac: ^^ new requirement it seems
>>> I wanted to discuss here and make sure I'm clear. We basically need to
>>> stop using the lava-android-test published to pip and start always
>>> pulling lava-android-test from trunk?
>> lava-android-test is a server side component just like lava-server or
>> lava-dashboard or anything else.  I'm pretty opposed to deploying it
>> in a different way than the other bits!  We talked yesterday about how
>> we should be deploying more things from branches, but I still think
>> there should be a human in the loop between trunk and deployment
>> especially with the almost total lack of pre-merge testing we have
>> today...
> I am with you on having a consistent solution for server components
> ... the problem here really seems to be that it's a) the server
> component, b) the test framework and c) the repository for the tests
> in one bzr branch.
> While I believe having a premerge testing and roll out step for a) and
> b), I feel that for c) this is less important and I would very much
> like to cut down a packaging/roll out step for each and every test I
> am writing/touching.

Ah right.  Yes, this makes sense to me.  I think this is sort of what
the thread "2012.05 planning: Move existing test defintions away from
LAVA test to a dedicated project" is talking about, isn't it?
Yes, I think so.
Actually, I guess we need a test/testcase management system(list/store/create test), 
and the  component(lava-android-test/lava-test/...) of lava just can get the test from there 
and run them on lava.

Yongqin Liu