Absolutely enormous log file. The board was in a very strange state, spewing out loads of exceptions. Went onto the board and it was still throwing out exceptions. Did a hard reset and it came back cleanly. Not clear why hard reset didn't work from the LAVA session.
Put back online to retest.
Put back online to retest
Looking at the time stamps, something happened between 14:00UTC and 20:00UTC that stopped things working. Whatever it was, I'm retesting panda01 to see if it went away, or if (as I suspect) all the other boards will fail when they run their health check.
Looks like the master image got corrupted somehow. I'll reflash the sd card.
wget timeout on system for android. Put back online to re-test.
Dave Pigott
Validation Engineer
T: +44 1223 40 00 63 | M +44 7940 45 93 44