
Greetings from LAVA Team!

We are very happy to announce you that there are new features getting

added to validation.linaro.org. In order to serve you better we are

trying to collect metadata from lava-test-shell tests that you are

running in validation.linaro.org.

On 2013-04-16 we will be deploying a new version of lava-dashboard in

validation.linaro.org which requires all lava-test-shell test

definitions, which you run should have metadata to be complete.

When we say metadata to be complete, following is a sample test

definition we refer to:


              name: device-tree

              format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0"

              description: "Device tree test to check folder structure."


                  - ubuntu


                  - origen

                  - snowball

                  - panda

                  - panda-es

                  - vexpress


                  - lava-test-shell



                  - lp:~linaro-foundations/linaro-ubuntu/lava-test-device-tree



                  - "cd lava-test-device-tree; sudo bash -x ./run-test.sh"


              pattern: "(?P<test_case_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+):\\s(?P<result>\\w+)"

However, the sections such as os, devices, environment are optional in

the above, but other parameters such as name, format, description are

mandatory in the metadata section.

If your test definition is not part of a bzr or git repository then it

is mandatory to have a 'version' parameter in metadata section. The

following example shows how a test definition metadata section will

look like for a test definition which is not part of bzr or git



              name: device-tree

              format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0"

              version: 1.0

              description: "Device tree test to check folder structure."


                  - ubuntu


                  - origen

                  - snowball

                  - panda

                  - panda-es

                  - vexpress


                  - lava-test-shell

The documentation has been updated to reflect this change: 


If you have any doubts in the above, please approach linaro-validation

<linaro-validation@lists.linaro.org>. Remember test definitions that

do not adhere to the above notification will fail when run on

validation.linaro.org after 2013-04-16.

If you want to test the correctness of your test definitions before

2013-04-16 feel free to use staging.validation.linaro.org.

Thank You.

LAVA Team!

Tyler Baker
Technical Architect, Automation & CI
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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