What's the problem we try to solve?
> _______________________________________________
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Spring Zhang <spring.zhang@linaro.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think we can deploy a Squid analyzer on the v.l.o, which will visualize
> the squid access log. Though it doesn't hit the big size tarball caching
> issue, but it's useful for the squid monitoring. I've deployed one on my own
> PC, seems cool.
> http://squidanalyzer.darold.net/
> --
> Best wishes,
> Spring Zhang
> linaro-validation mailing list
> linaro-validation@lists.linaro.org
> http://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/linaro-validation
Alexander Sack
Technical Director, Linaro Platform Teams
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