On 14 February 2012 05:27, Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org> wrote:

Fast model support is getting better. It seems that with the excellent
patches by Peter Maydell we can now boot some kernels (I've only tried
one tree, additional trees welcome :-). I'm currently building a
from-scratch environment to ensure everything is accounted for and I
understand how pieces interact.

Having said that I'd like to summarize how LAVA handles fast models:

Technically the solution is not unlike QEMU which you are all familiar
with. The key differences are:
1) Only NFS boot makes sense. There are no other sensible method that
I know of. We may also use a SD card (virtual obviously) but it is
constrained to two gigabytes of data.

It seems that we can also make android boot up from nfs.

I haven't tried that.

Yongqin Liu