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On 13 Feb 2013, at 15:28, Basil Eljuse <> wrote:

World is too small (:
I had asked Senthil in parallel to yourself !
Basil Eljuse...
From: Dave Pigott [] 
Sent: 13 February 2013 15:27
To: Basil Eljuse; Senthil Kumaran
Cc: Dean Arnold
Subject: Re: Good if you could help me understand this lava-test-runner error...
Hi Basil,
I'm copying Senthil on this. It's more his area of expertise.
On 13 Feb 2013, at 15:21, Basil Eljuse <> wrote:

Hi Dave,
I am using the following parse block in my test definition yaml file.
    pattern: "(?P<test_case_id>\\S+)\\s+(?P<result>(deprecated|failed|succeded)$
        PASS: succeded
        FAIL: failed
        DEPRECATED: deprecated
T he lines i am trying to parse from my results is
FT001 succeded
FT002 failed
FT003 deprecated
However i am getting the following error
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0002 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0003 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0004 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0005 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0006 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0007 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0008 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0009 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0010 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0011 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0012 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: FT0013 succeded
<LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-02-13 08:20:13 AM ERROR: bad test result line: basiccheck failed
It is hard to guess what the issue is. I believed that using the fixupdict i am converting my own results to lava to show on the dashboard.
Any help appreciated.
Basil Eljuse...

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