I've just had a quick glance at the rack in LAVA Lab with the pandas in it, and it seems like we are using the 5V 4A brick style power supplies, not the cheap ones.


On 4 July 2013 10:00, Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org> wrote:
On 4 July 2013 09:44, Renato Golin <renato.golin@linaro.org> wrote:
> On 3 July 2013 23:01, Will Newton <will.newton@linaro.org> wrote:
>> It may also be worth examining your power supplies and see if they are
>> providing enough current to run the chip this hot reliably. A bench
>> supply could eliminate this possibility conclusively.
> They're cheap... *very* cheap... They're not the ones Linaro uses in the lab
> most of the time, but are the ones Linaro has loads of in the "power supply"
> drawer, and the ones that websites show you as "PandaBoard power supply".
> Not this one:
> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/PSAC30U-050/993-1019-ND/2384432?cur=USD
> This one:
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pandaboard-Board-replacement-supply-adaptor/dp/B0087SU0RU

What is the output current of this PSU? I tried running pandaboard
with 2.5A PSU and it didn't even start. 3A seems to be the minimum.


> The difference in price tells you a lot... ;)
> This was my conclusion when my Panda at home, on idle, was locking up. It
> wasn't turning off every time, some times it'd just lock and have one LED
> constantly on and the other constantly off, sometimes it'd shutdown
> completely, and some times the screen would freeze, but it'd still be
> "running". With many other appliances connected to the same socket (TV, Sky,
> PS3, printer, etc), the spikes could be causing trouble.
> The boards now have run overnight at 920MHz without a glitch, though they
> are understandably 50% slower. I'll see how they behave during today, and if
> they don't fail, I'll conclude that it was, indeed, the frequency, not the
> power supply.
> cheers,
> --renato
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