Hi Prakash,

As was said in other threads, we sort of understand why resolv.conf isn't there, and it doesn't matter that it's not, so we need to fix the problem where it fails because it isn't there. It should be a trivial fix.


Dave Pigott
Validation Engineer
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On 21 Sep 2012, at 06:58, Prakash Ranjan wrote:


------- Original Message -------

Sender : Dave Pigott<dave.pigott@linaro.org>

Date : Sep 19, 2012 16:10 (GMT+09:00)

Title : Re: [Linaro-validation] Resolv.conf file missing in test image after deploying on lava -server.

On 18 Sep 2012, at 19:44, Andy Doan wrote:

> On 09/18/2012 12:44 AM, Prakash Ranjan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>     After deploying any image on my local lava-server setup, in test
>> image , the resolv.conf file is always missing.
>> Here is the complete log link.  http//paste.ubuntu.com/1212314/
>> You can check the job fiel at this link..   http//paste.ubuntu.com/1212328
>> My master image info : http//paste.ubuntu.com/1212330.
>> Please  help me on this issue.
> This is a bit of a guess, but I noticed in your job definition you:
> 1. flash image
> 2. install lava-test
> 3. boot
> 4. run lava-test
> Our jobs normally do those 4 steps but in this order:
> 1. flash image
> 2. boot
> 3. install lava-test
> 4. run lava-test
> ie steps 2 and 3 are reversed. My guess is that the "boot" step is creating this file so things work for us. You could probably just try that. However, when I look at a current linaro RFS like today's nano image, I see a /etc/resolv.conf in it.
> We could probably also patch the dispatcher so it doesn't fail if the file doesn't exist.

Yeah, I pointed the order issue out to prak on irc yesterday, but he pointed out that there are jobs which do it the other way and succeed, so there's something else going on, and I suspect that it's something to do with the way prak is cacheing the hwpacks and rootfs on his system, but it's difficult to diagnose at a distance.

Prak filed a bug yesterday to that effect, i.e. to ignore failure on copy, but that feels like a lash up fix because we haven't fully understood what's going on.

I'll talk to prak again on irc today and see if we can't nail it.



Hi Andy,

I tried with the same order as it was metioned on the  linaro web page http://lava-dispatcher.readthedocs.org/en/latest/jobfile.html

Anyway I tried with the both orders as you mentioned above but got the same result. I mentioned the log files in the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/lava-dispatcher/+bug/1052373  report too.

Here is the log files.

http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218084   -> Complete Log

http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218085   -> Json file



