(cc'ing validation list for wider advice)

Hi Arthur,

The only documentation I'm aware of is at http://lava.readthedocs.org/en/latest/components.html, but as you can see it's more of an overview. You might also start at http://www.linaro.org/engineering/validation and see if you find what you're looking for.

What specifically are you trying to achieve? Different views/reports? 



On 17 Apr 2013, at 09:42, Arthur.She <Arthur.She@tw.fujitsu.com> wrote:

Hi Dave,
This is Arthur from Fujitsu. Something related LAVA we need to consult with you.
Is there any document describe LAVA Server (dashboard and scheduler).
I mean something like user guide or user manual.
Currently, we have 4 DUTs in our LAVA test farm (2 kinds, one Panda board and 3 our EVB - V2).
In order to adapt our EVB into LAVA, we added a new module v2.py and did some modification with lava-dispatcher. Right now, we can have DUTs (both Panda board and our EVB) tested by the command "lava-dispatch".
Beside the command line, we would like to know if there any document we can reference regarding the Web UI of LAVA server?

Thanks a lot & Best Regards,