------- Original Message -------
Sender : Michael Hudson-Doyle<michael.hudson@linaro.org>
Date : Sep 06, 2012 07:06 (GMT+09:00)
Title : Re: [Linaro-validation] Usage of deploy linaro image
Andy Doan
> On 09/05/2012 07:31 AM, Prakash Ranjan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was going through the lava server source code and I got
>> the function definition of deploy_Linaro_image().
>> According to the function definition there are five parameters namely.
>> 1. hwpacks
>> 2. rootfs
>> 3. image
>> 4. kernel_matrix
>> 5. rootfstype:
>> Till now I was only using 1. hwpacks and 2 . rootfs parameters in
>> job file.
>> Can anyone please explain me what is the other parameters and how can we
>> use those parameters in job file.
>> I am interested in image and kernel_matrix parameter.
>> Correct me if anything is wrong and please help me on this command.
> I've never seen kernel_matrix used, so I can't promise it actually
> works. From reading the code, the intent appears to be that you can
> specify an updated kernel .deb via the kernel matrix and replace the
> existing kernel.deb in the hwpack that's downloaded.
I think that's the intent too, but also think that it's never been used;
the ci jobs that were going to use it ended up creating the new hardware
pack in jenkins. We should probably delete the support.
Hi all,
And what does the image paramter contains? Is it containg any kernel image, or rootfs image or both?
Can you please give tell me one example using a short job file.
Thanks and Regards