I'm running these builds on my Pandas in my local lab. I can confirm it is pushing the OMAP4 to it's thermal limit on both my boards. With DVFS enabled (i.e. Not the performance gov) it should scale back the voltage and frequency to deal with the heat. However since there is a stability issue with DVFS, I am going to manually lower the clock speed step to 800mhz - 1000mhz with the performance gov and see if that deals with some of the heat. 

On 9 April 2013 06:52, Alexander Sack <asac@linaro.org> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Matthew Gretton-Dann <matthew.gretton-dann@linaro.org> wrote:
On 09/04/13 00:20, Alexander Sack wrote:

you suggest to use different configurations for doing the "build the
kernel" validation and the benchmarking? Why wouldn't we run in the same
heat issues while benchmarking?

Can we somehow put the SoC into a very low power state for 2 minutes for
cool down and simply wait before starting the build/test?

Or we could put a heatsink/active cooling on the PandaES boards?

As Paul says elsewhere we hammer the boards continuously for a number of hours, being cool before we start isn't going to help much.

Anyway, I assume that the strict environment requirement where toolchain WG
needs to sign off on the setup would mostly apply to benchmarking only and
that we could probably choose any stable image for doing the build
validation of the toolchain that is rock solid. Matt?


My requirements for the kernel/filesystem image used for building are that:
 a) It works
 b) It doesn't change regularly :-).

I believe point b) is talking solutions for the requirement of minimal noise caused by false negatives. With that, I believe it is like I said. We can use whatever we feel is stable as long as we protect you from noise when we decide to change stuff...


For benchmarking we need to use a known good (and special) kernel and filesystem which changes irregularly.



Matthew Gretton-Dann
Toolchain Working Group, Linaro

Alexander Sack
Director, Linaro Platform Engineering
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Tyler Baker
Technical Architect, Automation & CI
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