Spring Zhang <spring.zhang@linaro.org> writes:You'll need to add SetHandler none somewhere to tell Apache that
> When I deploy it, I modified the apache2
> staging.validation.linaro.org.conf, only to add:
> Alias /squidreport "/var/www/squidanalyzer"
> <Directory /var/www/squidanalyzer>
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> AllowOverride None
> Order deny,allow
> allow from all
> </Directory>
> Just like the /linaro/images section, I feel strange that
> http://staging.validation.linaro.org/images can work, while
> http://staging.validation.linaro.org/squidreport only get some django
> warning message, Could someone point out what's wrong? You can see the
> error log by http://staging.validation.linaro.org/squidreport
> The squidanalyzer html output is already in /var/www/squidanalyzer/.
/squidreport is not handled by mod_uwsgi -- there is a similar section
for /static, so copy that.