On 28 Mar 2012, at 14:21, Fathi Boudra wrote:

On 20 March 2012 16:22, Dave Pigott wrote:

I think we need to seriously look at allowing a timeout parameter around
"deploy_linaro_image", because vexpress is going to need around 4 hours to
deploy a full desktop, and it seems crazy that we should hard code that big
a timeout into master.py for *all* platforms.

I realise there is an issue as to which part the timeout is applied to and
how it's apportioned, but even if we just allowed to pass through the whole
timeout to each stage it would be better than what we have at the moment.


Follow up to Dave initial thread, we didn't have reached a conclusion.
He reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/lava-dispatcher/+bug/961926
Could we plan (and assign someone) to land a fix for this bug?



Hi Fathi,

There's also this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpigott/lava-dispatcher/increase-timeout/+merge/98630
