
Since HiKey is the only board (that we care about) supported in V2 right now, I was wondering if we should ask for few (1-5) NEW HiKey boards to be deployed as V2 only instances in staging. That would allow us to start migration work without waiting for Juno/X15, get some hands-on with ImageReports2 replacements, etc.

Also - how is it with the database? Is there some dev/playground database that we could submit results to during migration so that we do not pollute database with errors and mistakes?

On 15 December 2016 at 12:35, Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> wrote:
On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 10:49:19 +0100
Jakub Pavelek <jakub.pavelek@linaro.org> wrote:

> Hi Neil/guys
> thanks for the update. In your presentation you talk about
> pre-requisites for the V2 migration and one of them is "Make all
> devices on all instances usable with V2". When will this happen for
> Juno, HiKey and X15?

HiKey V2 support using LXC is now available on staging but there are
lab changes required to allow HiKeys in production to support V2. Any
one HiKey board cannot support V1 and V2 simultaneously due to
limitations of the HiKey hardware. Tests using Android and LXC are
running on staging to support migrating the test definitions away from
MultiNode to V2 using LXC:

It's up to the lab team to manage the upgrade of hikey devices in
production to V2 support, dependent on expanding the initial test jobs
on staging to the full range of tests required for LMG.

Juno Android support is in development.

X15 support in LAVA V2 has not been requested and has hardware
requirements which need lab work. I'm anticipating that X15 support is
desired for LAVA V2 but no work has yet been done on V2 support for X15.

> I'm guessing that LMG would need few months on top of that milestone
> to migrate our test jobs, re-establish dashboards/trends, setup
> pre-merge testing, etc before step #1 (lava-dispatcher will *disable*
> V1 submissions entirely) happens.

As shown in the slides and agreed at LAS16, 3 months V2 data will be
required for all teams before the decision is made to disable V1
submissions. You can listen to the presentation again if you want to
hear the discussion, using the link provided.

> http://connect.linaro.org/resource/las16/las16-503/
> (Note: the video will auto-start, be aware.)


Neil Williams

With best regards,

Jakub Pavelek

Linaro Mobile Group project manager
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