Just when you thought things were going smoothly...
Since I got a connection to the leased line, I've been running occasional tests to see how it's performing, and the answer is "patchy". Download speed is mostly consistent, but I see drop offs once in a while, while upload speed is variable. Anything from 2Mbps to 9Mbps, and I see the odd dip where it cuts out completely.
I contacted Zen support yesterday morning and they've been having me run various tests which have now concluded in the fault being on their side of the router. They just this minute opened a support ticket for this, and will be trying to fix the problem remotely, hopefully before Monday. In the event that they can't, they will have to send an engineer out.
The upshot of this is that I may have to delay the switch over to the leased line until this is resolved.
Dave Pigott
Validation Engineer
T: +44 1223 40 00 63 | M +44 7940 45 93 44