

Hope you are doing well!


I’m trying to figure out if you are interested in procuring an Attendees contact list of ” Arm TechCon 2018”  and there will be a cost associated with the list.



·         ASIC/FPGA Engineers

·         Chief Hacker/Wizard

·         Chip Architects & Designers

·         CIO/CTO/CSO/CISO

·         IT Directors and Managers

·         Manager of E-Business/E-Commerce

·         Design & Development Engineers

·         Embedded Software Engineers

·         Hardware Engineers

·         OEM System Designer

·         Operator/Carrier

·         Software Architects Developers & Engineers

·         App and Game Developers

·         System Design and Processor Design Engineers

·         System Architect, Systems Analyst

·         VP/Director of Hardware Engineering

·         VP/Director of Software Engineering


This list comes with full contact details like: Contact Name, Title, Company Name, Size, Physical Address, Opt-In Email address, Phone & Fax numbers and etc.


Please let me know your interest to send you the number of attendees and cost for your review.


Looking forward for your response.


Thanks & Regards,



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