Hello all,
It seems that the external-linaro-toolchain recipe (in meta-linaro/meta-linaro-toolchain) doesn’t work unless TI's meta-arago/meta-arago-extras layer is also present. That layer contains, among other things:
* external-linaro-toolchain.bbappend - seems to fix a variety of packaging errors, and relaxes the requirement that external-linaro-toolchain itself provide libc Linux headers
* external-linaro-sdk-toolchain.bb - provides the cross-canadian toolchain, for building nativesdk packages. My understanding is that part is useable when the host machine is the same as the SDK machine (e.g. both x86_64-linux), since otherwise
you would need two external toolchains.
* external-linaro-toolchain-cross.bb - seems to just provides some tweaks
* external-linaro-bfd-version.inc - populates ELT_VER_BFD with the detected version
* tclibc-external-linaro-toolchain.inc - the TCLIBC configuration that tells Yocto you're using the external Linaro glibc, instead of having Yocto built it.
Is my understanding correct? If so, I'd be curious to know why these files are in meta-arago, as opposed to just being moved into meta-linaro-toolchain itself. If it's just due to a lack of time, then I'd be more than willing to help out.
As things currently exist, I find the 'external-linaro-toolchain' recipe in meta-linaro to be a bit of a "carrot on a stick" - it looks really promising and enticing, but you can't get it to work without lots of effort. That effort ultimately amounts to implementing
the changes that are present in meta-arago-extras…
Thank you,
Chris Laplante