Hi Dmitry,

I am running the 4000 as follows to cause the GPU hang bug:

  1. Board in a freezer – ours isn’t super controllable, but a thermometer says it is at -18C.
  2. Set up so that you can cycle the board power – needed when you hit the crash
  3. I have a small fan in the freezer pointed at the board with a power cord coming out so that I can turn it on and off.
  4. Default parameters on the 4000 except
    1. Cam 0 is set up with TestPattern Multi Car, 1080x1920, color
    2. Stream network video to your PC
    3. Parameters -> Save To Board
  5. View Performance Graphs, check Enable System Status and look at the Temperature value (see below)
  6. Try to get the temperature into the high 50’sF to low 60’sF (sorry it’s F instead of C!) and you will see:  Warning: GPU hang detected … messages and jumpy video.
    1. Turn on the fan if the temperature is too high (usually not for very long)
    2. You can try turning on other processing temporarily if the temperature is too low, then turn these off once it warms up.

                                                               i.      Enhance -> Contrast Mode = CLAHE

                                                             ii.      Track -> Detect -> Mode = Aerial

  1. Occasionally, the whole system will crash, requires a power cycle
  2. Let’s get on a call if you are struggling to get it into the zone.






Jordan Holt | CTO | SightLine Applications Inc. | Onboard Video Processing | he/him | 503 724-9727