
As Dmitry is returning from vacation next week, it seemed a good time to give everyone a quick status update to remind ourselves of where we are. 

The PO for the additional tranche of hours has been received and an invoice set to Sightline. Work on the project will continue as we await payment. 

Before he left on vacation, Dmitry had the GFX CPR work mostly completed. The voltage boundaries are all set correctly, and he only needs to finish programming the target quotients. He will start on that when he returns. This should finish off the GPU power regulator work, at which point he will return to completing the CPU power regulator tasks. 

For project spend, we have the following (all figures compared against the total budget of the two PO's and are current through 15 August):

Engineering Time:                71.65 of 160 hours used (8.95 of 20 engineer days). This is 44.9% of the revised budget.
Project Management Time:  6 of 16 hours used (0.75 of 2 PM days). This is 37.5% of the revised budget. 

As Dmitry gets working on the project again, daily status updates will resume. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. 

Paul Neuhardt | Sr. Program Manager
T: +44 0771 377 8664
IRC: pneuhardt