The 23.02 release of Compute Library is out and comes with a collection of improvements and new features.
Source code and prebuilt binaries are available at: https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary/releases/tag/v23.02
Highlights of the release: v23.02 Public major release
* New features: * Rework the experimental dynamic fusion interface by identifying auxiliary and intermediate tensors, and specifying an explicit output operator. * Add the following operators to the experimental dynamic fusion API: * GpuAdd, GpuCast, GpuClamp, GpuDepthwiseConv2d, GpuMul, GpuOutput, GpuPool2d, GpuReshape, GpuResize, GpuSoftmax, GpuSub. * Add SME/SME2 kernels for GeMM, Winograd convolution, Depthwise convolution and Pooling. * Add new CPU operator AddMulAdd for float and quantized types. * Add new flag ITensorInfo::lock_paddings() to tensors to prevent extending tensor paddings. * Add experimental support for CPU only Bazel and CMake builds. * Performance optimizations: * Optimize CPU base-e exponential functions for FP32. * Optimize CPU StridedSlice by copying first dimension elements in bulk where possible. * Optimize CPU quantized Subtraction by reusing the quantized Addition kernel. * Optimize CPU ReduceMean by removing quantization steps and performing the operation in integer domain. * Optimize GPU Scale and Dynamic Fusion GpuResize by removing quantization steps and performing the operation in integer domain. * Update the heuristic for CLDepthwiseConvolutionNative kernel. * Add new optimized OpenCL kernel to compute indirect convolution: * ClIndirectConv2dKernel * Add new optimized OpenCL kernel to compute transposed convolution: * ClTransposedConvolutionKernel * Update recommended/minimum NDK version to r20b. * Various optimizations and bug fixes.
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