Hi All,
We have a Pandaboard ES model with us. We purchased the same last week. We
want to test board with the pre-built images from Linaro. So, we followed
the following steps.
The main link is
1) wget
2) gunzip panda-ics-gcc47-tilt-stable-blob.img.gz
3) sudo dd bs=4M if=panda-ics-gcc47-tilt-stable-blob.img of=/dev/sdb1
4) wget
5) chmod a+x install-binaries.sh
6) ./install-binaries.sh /dev/sdb1
After doing above steps, we inserted the SD card into the Pandaboard. We
also connected other peripherals like HDMI cable, USB Mouse, USB Keyboard,
Serial cable. The other end (DVI) is connected to the LED monitor. After
every thing is connected correctly, we connected the power cable. However,
we did not see any thing (display) in the LED monitor as well as Hyper
Are we missing any thing here? Are we followed the correct steps?
Is the step-6 correct? Actually, it looks as follows.
$./install-binaries.sh /dev/sdX2 "device node of system partition"
But, I do not understand about "device node of system partition".
Please suggest us.
Srinivas G
The output of the STEP-6.
Files extracted successfully.
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/bin/pvrsrvinit': No such file or
cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.omap4.so': No
such file or directory
umount2: Invalid argument
umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted
Success, installing binary files
I created the following scripts:
while(<STDIN>) {
@array = split(' ', $_);
open(FILE, "< $array[2]") or next;
$count = 0;
$count++ while <FILE>;
print("$count $array[0] $array[1] $array[2]\n");
while(<STDIN>) {
@array = split(' ', $_);
open(FILE, "< $array[5]") or next;
$count = 0;
while (<FILE>) {
if (/__asm__/) {
#print("$_ $array[5]");
if ($count > 0) {
print("$count $array[5]\n");
while(<STDIN>) {
@array = split(' ', $_);
open(FILE, "< $array[5]") or next;
$count = 0;
while (<FILE>) {
if (/uint32/) {
#print("$_ $array[5]");
if ($count > 0) {
print("$count $array[5]\n");
That you feed with awk, the consoleText of a build and a local copy of
that build via:
awk '/target asm:/ {print $2," ",$3," ",$5}' consoleText | perl
complexity.pl | sort --sort=g -r
awk '/target arm C:/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' consoleText > c_stuff.txt
awk '/target arm C\+\+:/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' consoleText >> c_stuff.txt
awk '/target C\+\+:/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' consoleText >> c_stuff.txt
awk '/target thumb C:/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' consoleText >> c_stuff.txt
awk '/target thumb C\+\+:/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' consoleText >> c_stuff.txt
cat c_stuff.txt | perl inline.pl | sort -g -r
Did this to find how much asm there is, how many inline __asm__
statements and how may instances of uint32
Zach Pfeffer
Android Platform Team Lead, Linaro Platform Teams
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
Follow Linaro: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Linarohttp://twitter.com/#!/linaroorg - http://www.linaro.org/linaro-blog
Hi everybody!
If you can, please help me, give to me anything you know!
1. I download AOSP: android-4.0.4 from here:
2. I add Binaries of Panda into root directory of android-4.0.4:
3. I build and flashing into Pandaboard, i can see: USB mouse and keyboard,
which are working. I can see LED of Monitor turn on, i sure pandada sent
signal to monitor, but i can't see android display on monitor.
Note: my monitor:
+ Usb mouse connect to Pandaboard USB port.
+ Usb keyboard connect to Pandaboard via USB port.
+ Use HDMI to HDMI cable to connect from P1 DVI-D port of Panda to HDMI
port of monitor.
Best Regards.
HCMC, August 15th , 2012
Võ Anh Quốc.
Mobile No. 012 643 00 5 33
Based on long-standing requests, captured as
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android-infrastructure/+spec/create… ,
support for creation of filesystem images as build artifacts was
implemented. Such images can be (after unbzip2'ing) dd'ed directly to a
memory card for streamlined testing for example.
To use this feature, just add "BUILD_FS_IMAGE=1" to a builds config on
https://android-build.linaro.org . This will create a
$TARGET_PRODUCT.img.bz2 file in addition to usual tarballs. As this
doubles size of build artifacts, please use it sparingly (it
particular, I'd advise against having that as the default, at least not
without Fathi's approval).
The default image size is 2Gb (same as linaro-android-media-create), if
you want to override that use FS_IMAGE_SIZE=4G or similar.
Last point is mapping of TARGET_PRODUCT to --dev= switch value of
linaro-android-media-create. So far this is:
pandaboard => panda
snowball => snowball_sd
everything else - as is
Let me know if this needs further tweaking. In particular, some boards
have more than 1 --dev= value, e.g. vexpress vs vexpress-a9,
snowball_emmc vs snowball_sd.
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
Follow Linaro: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Linarohttp://twitter.com/#!/linaroorg - http://www.linaro.org/linaro-blog
Hello All
ARM have released a new version of Developer Studio 5 (DS-5) and we now
have a new version of the Gator component [1] to go with this which
needs updating in all Linaro kernel trees that will be part of the 12.08
For those people maintaining kernel trees here is what this means...
- If your kernels are including the linux-linaro-core-tracking [2]
branch then you will get the new Gator version from this when it is
updated over the next couple of days. You don't need to do anything
except to make sure you are up to date with this branch before the 12.08
- For Ubuntu kernels not including linux-linaro-core-tracking (and not
being released from the common linux-linaro branch) then you should
replace your existing Gator topic branch (or add one if it is missing).
This new topic branch can be created by pulling from the ARM Landing
Team's tree [3], we have three topic branches available for the last
three kernel versions...
tracking-armlt-gator (3.6-rc1)
The code in these branches is identical, they are just rebased onto
different Linux versions to make pulling easier.
- For Android kernels, if your kernel already includes the Gator topic,
then this should be updated as above. If it does not have the Gator
topic then chance are it is being included as a separate component in
the manifest file; in which case, there is nothing further which needs
doing as the git repo used for this has already been updated [4].
If anyone has any questions or if anything is unclear, please do
hesitate to contact me.
Note, for those people who have applied Mali driver patches to support
profiling by Gator: you don't need to modify those Mali patches, just
take the new version of Gator, this will still work OK.
[1] Gator is the ARM target device components for ARM's Streamline
Performance Analyzer which is part of their Developer Studio (DS-5).
[3] git://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/kernel.git
[4] http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=arm/ds5/gator.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/an…
Jelly-Bean pre-built images for FMs are now available for download at
Also available on the download page are the instructions to use JB
prebuilt images for FMs.
To reproduce JB images for FMs, download linaro_android_build_cmds.sh
from the "Downloads" section
$ wget http://snapshots.linaro.org/android/~linaro-android/vexpress-rtsm-jb-gcc47-…
$ chmod +x linaro_android_build_cmds.sh
$ ./linaro_android_build_cmds.sh
To rebuild things, you can look in the script to see how things got
built. In it you'll see that you can basically:
export TARGET_PRODUCT=vexpress_rtsm
export CPUS=`grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo`
export TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=android-toolchain-eabi/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
. build/envsetup.sh
make -j${CPUS} boottarball systemtarball userdatatarball
Amit Pundir
I'm very new to Android porting .I have *PandaBoard Revision B1* . I have
all the *images of latest build 151* of Panda board. I started following
the procedure as provided to flash the pre-built image.
I'm stuck with writing data to SDcard as , the command provided is little
tricky and no completely understandable. Can you please provide me the
SDCard format type (ext2,ext3,FAT,NTFS....)for writing the data in more
details. I'm completely unclear with the command provided in procedure.
# Create media (this assumes your SD card is /dev/mmcblk0, you may have to
replace the device name)
$ bzr branch lp:~vishalbhoj/linaro-image-tools/panda-dt
$ sudo panda-dt/linaro-android-media-create --dev panda --mmc /dev/mmcblk0
--system system.tar.bz2 --userdata userdata.tar.bz2 --boot boot.tar.bz2
Waiting for your reply eagerly. Thank you.
Praween kr.
Android Geek
Mob No:- +81-80-4797-9684
Reach me:-https://twitter.com/#!/praween_khttp://www.plurk.com/t/English#hot
Hi everyone, I wanted to settle up the plans for 12.08 release testing on
android and take a look at the current status.
The big thing to note on pretty much all the jb builds is ethernet is
currently unavailable.
not built successfully so far, what's the prognosis? I'm assuming this
the attempt at having both a9 and tc2 booting from the same jb based
android build, and probably what we want if at all possible for 12.08. Do
we have not only the tc2 bits enabled but the big.little MP bits for 12.08
also? Will it pull from linux-linaro or from the armlt tree for the
release this time?
This is ics, which we are testing in the meantime. For a9, not looking too
different from 12.07 so far. I should also mention that there have been no
test results for TC2 since the 12.07 release. The QA team does not have a
TC2 board at this time, so if there are any changes going in - we have
nobody testing it and will need results from Tixy or Ryan on this in the
meantime. (Latest news I've heard is that we have incomplete kit in
cambridge, which will be sent out once they get the remaining bits)
We picked up the stable one for this week's testing based on
recommendations from the android team last week, but it seems that the
tracking build is now available. Which one do we want to use for 12.08?
What are the goals or criteria for making that determination?
On the stable build, many tests seem to be failing from not detecting
content on the sdcard (
****Ethernet completely unavailable:
looks to be it. There was a snowball-tracking build during ICS, but I
guess we aren't expecting to see that emerge again soon?
****Ethernet completely unavailable:
More results from Amit should be coming in very soon.
Will this be released for 12.08?
****Ethernet completely unavailable:
video playback broken (
https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+bug/1033341) but this isn't
really a regression since it didn't work in ics either.
Will this be released for 12.08?
QA can't test this right now, nor can it run in LAVA at the moment.
Android team is on their own here until the dust settles and we really
commit to doing this and putting boards in peoples hands.
Paul Larson