I've been having a problem while trying to build the most recent (558) build of linaro android for the Arndale. When running the linaro_android_build_cmds.sh script, I get the following error:
make: *** No rule to make target `out/host/linux-x86/bin/dexopt', needed by `out/target/product/generic/dex_bootjars/system/framework/webviewchromium.odex'. Stop.
I have tried to look for a solution to the problem, but I haven't found any issues related to dexopt targets in linaro builds. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It might be worth noting that I ran into the problem in another email at http://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/linaro-android/2014-May/002543.html [1], despite not using an Octa board. Following the advice, I set the WITH_HOST_DALVIK variable in the build script to false, but after cleaning the directory and building again, I started running into the problem described above.
Links: ------ [1] http://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/linaro-android/2014-May/002543.html