Hi John,
[ + linaro-android ML ]
I have two questions for working on AOSP Hikey:
- When use "adb shell" to execute commands, then it will return back the execution value and error code. Usually we will get back the new line character as "\r\n", but I found for AOSP releasing it will only return back "\n" for new line.
So is this decided by system's booting script or decided by shell's building? I want to change back to use "\r\n" for the format.
- Second question is related with adb's permission. On my pc I need add "sudo" or change to root "sudo -s" for adb commands, otherwise it will report "insufficient permission".
This is okay when I manually send adb commands, but when use python script to execute adb commands it also need add "sudo" for add adb related commands.
So want to check if there have more convienent method so can let normal user to use adb command?
Thanks, Leo Yan