W dniu 25.07.2012 14:39, Alexander Sack pisze:
so, did we manage to successfully validate that it works? I only saw that build #5 didn't work because there was no BUILD-INFO.txt and build #6 shipped an open license.
Partially, we found two bugs that had to be fixed to continue testing:
1) The configuration on android-build.linaro.org listed the overlay twice. The second entry was 'open' and kept overriding the one we wanted to test.
2) The test/mock overlays for snowball and origen used incorrect file pattern that didn't match the generated tarballs. This is now fixed and pending upload to snapshot server to resume testing.
We did confirm that open works properly, we are in progress of testing restricted.
Can we get builds with and without the old build name scheme kicked off and validated with open and eula build-info style?
I'm doing that right now. I'll have the full range of tests ({named,nameless}x{open,restricted,snowball,origen}.
I'm currently building restricted nameless in https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~zkrynicki/bummer-no-license-to-gues... ), it should prove the most valuable test so far.
I've also synced with gesha and it seems that other RT tickets for deployment of new servers and django should no longer block us.