I download fastmodel from https://silver.arm.com/browse/FM000. Branch is:Fast Models 8.3 for Linux The loaded project is: RTSM_VE_Cortex-A15x1.sgproj Linaro-android : vexpress-linaro-13.09-release, download from http://snapshots.linaro.org/android/~linaro-android/vexpress-linaro-13.09-re... At 2014-04-09 17:03:08,"Jon Medhurst (Tixy)" tixy@linaro.org wrote:
On Wed, 2014-04-09 at 10:25 +0800, dcv wrote:
Before I press the Left Ctrl and Left Alt keys, I have selected CLCD window. But when I select CLCD and grap mouse in it,I cannot find mouse in it .
The mouse pointer will be drawn by the Android system being run by the 'Fast Model'. Despite having the name 'fast', the emulation of the ARM system is a lot slower than real hardware, and for the first few minutes after boot the Android system tends to be very busy doing various background task and doesn't have much emulated cycles for updating the display. However, I see from you screen shots that the emulator has been running for 20 minutes, which should be enough time.
I also see from the screenshots that you are running a model with one emulated CPU. Can you say which fast model you are running? Is it one of the pre-built ones that ARM supplies? And which Linaro Android build/release are you working with? I want to see if I can reproduce the problem.
-- Tixy