I'm currently working with a Linaro Android release on the Arndale, and was wondering if there would be any future support for the Arndale Octa.
Are there any plans to add support for Linaro Android builds on the Arndale Octa board? I believe there was a build for the Octa at one point, if this [1] is any indication, but it seems that anything useful from the build, e.g. binaries or source code, are unavailable.
Additionally, I've been wondering if it would be possible to write the images for Linaro Android builds for the regular Arndale directly onto the eMMC on the board, rather than writing to an SD card and then booting the device from the card.
The partitions in the image generated by the linaro-android-media-create commands seem to differ from the structure of the default images given on the ArndaleBoard.org wiki here [2]. There seem to be instructions for writing from the SD card to the eMMC for the Ubuntu builds here [3], would something similar be available for Android builds? Would it be possible, perhaps from the u-boot menu, to write the image to the board's eMMC from the host PC?
Links: ------ [1] https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~linaro-android/arndale-octa-linaro/ [2] http://www.arndaleboard.org/wiki/index.php/WiKi [3] https://wiki.linaro.org/Boards/Arndale/Setup/EnterpriseUbuntuServer?action=A...