Hello Bernhard,
On Tue, 3 Apr 2012 21:58:30 +0200 Bernhard Rosenkränzer bernhard.rosenkranzer@linaro.org wrote:
On 2 April 2012 23:56, Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org wrote:
We've been able to put configs in git for awhile. I'm going to go ahead and do this since we're at the start of the cycle. I'm just going to push to:
http://review.android.git.linaro.org/#admin,project,linaro/build-configs,bra... master
Sound good to everyone?
And of course extra points for supporting a #include statement of sorts... Easiest way to do it should be just running the config through gcc -E -x c -P -C whatever.conf >current.conf
MANIFEST_FILENAME=staging-panda.xml #include "android-4.0.4.conf" #include "gcc-4.6.conf" #include "lava.conf"
During work on the universal seed, I made a script to merge several manifests into one. That was merge as in set-theoretic union operation though, no warranties of order/human-readability. I intended to send a note to the list that it could be used as the basis for "manifest fragments" use (cf. with kernel config fragments which are now being adopted for kernel) - not sure if I sent such email.
Anyway, it's probably not important which combination approach we use, as long as it stays external to the repo. I.e., there should be 2 explicit notions: 1) includes/fragments supporting "ubermanifests", which are human-edited, 2) script to convert them into normal manifests, 3) automatically generated manifests directly usable by repo - all present all the time in repository (i.e., someone checks it out, edits manifest template, runs script, commits everything). The script can be as simple as Makefile.
ttyl bero