Thanks for the ideas Andy.
I'm more interested in getting this to work on the model at the moment, since that's what ARM is looking for. The second priority would be the Versatile Express with the A15 tile - though I'd be just as happy getting it wo work with the RTSM model - skitting the whole master image altogether. I don't think the model uses a master image does it?
On 6 February 2013 18:32, Andy Doan wrote:
During our meeting today we spoke a little about improving CTS in LAVA. One issue sounds like CTS reboots the target and due to our master-image uboot commands the device doesn't boot back into Android.
I thought I'd give you pointer on how that could be improved in LAVA:
I think you might be able to somehow doctor that DrainConsole thread to search for uboot prompts and if hit, run the android boot-cmds to get it set back up.
Hope it helps once somebody starts investigating, -andy