On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org wrote:
On 12 June 2012 14:49, Alexander Sack asac@linaro.org wrote:
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 8:59 PM, Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org wrote:
On 12 June 2012 12:48, Alexander Sack asac@linaro.org wrote:
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org wrote:
Here's the idea, we put the build configuration and anything else we need to build the build into the build. We fix the builds so that people can use the instructions listed on:
The only thing I am not sure about is that I still haven't seen an official instruction that would build a full platform - including the kernel... so whatever we do, we might have slightly deviated way of doing things as we produce a fully bootable system
What do you mean. The kernel is built as part of the platform, like it is today.
IIRC, in gingerbread AOSP there was no manifest with a kernel inside. Hence whatever you did with lunch and munch you didn't end up with a bootable image.
Maybe they have a manifest with kernel for panda by now?
Actually all I want to use is the commands, we'd still build the kernel and everything else like we always do.
In general I agree though that sticking to the pristine upstream instructions is a worthwhile goal.
I think you misunderstood. All I want to do is to allow people to build Android using the instructions listed on android.com. These would be:
source build/envsetup.sh lunch full_panda-eng
instead of:
wget --no-check-certificate http://android-build.linaro.org/download/linaro-android_toolchain-4.7-bzr/la...
tar -jxvf android-toolchain-eabi-linaro-*
make -j${NUM_PROC} HOST_CC=gcc-4.7 HOST_CPP=cpp-4.7 HOST_CXX=g++-4.7 TARGET_PRODUCT=pandaboard TARGET_SIMULATOR=false TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=/path/to/toolchain/arm-linux-androideabi- boottarball systemtarball userdatatarball showcommands > build_log_YYMMDD.txt 2>&1 &
I think we do a few things here:
1. force a runtime compiler host version 2. force a target version that isn't in the built-in prebuilt tree 3. select to produce tarballs instead of .img files 4. select pandaboard 5. disable simulator
- and 5. should already be selectable with lunch. 3. isn't, but at
the same time I am not sure we want to change that hardcoded. for 2. and 1. I am not so sure about hard coding it either.
We can always change what actually happens in the build. but we should support the common build commands.
So I am not so sure about the concrete goal. I agree though that our tree should build and work if you just run lunch + make ... whether that's really exactly our build I don't know yet.
Maybe let's start and get it to build with just that.
The concrete goal is to unify the way we build each of or platforms so that users just have to run:
source build/envsetup.sh lunch full_panda-eng
For that we should a) include our cross toolchain in the manifest b) include the TCWG native host compiler release in our manifest and update it monthly (also support validating TCWG release) c) hack the build system to use our target and host toolchain now pulled in by manifest c) hack the build system to produce tarballs by default
Open points: a) how to test daily toolchains? committing binaries to git is already kind of raw ... doing so daily is really rude :). b) how do we name our boards? I would start with a linaropandaboard style name that does not conflict with existing google platforms c) we said we will include tests in our default builds. Also we wanted to produce debug symbols and ship them in a separate tarball; can the lunch command express that? I assume something like "lunch full_linaropandaboard-tests-with-debug" or would we just go for -eng and put whatever we believe should be in a linaro build in there?