Per https://cards.linaro.org/browse/SYS-354 , Jenkins was upgraded to 1.580.2 and EC2 plugin to 1.24 (which is worth mentioning, as previously we held EC2 plugin version at 1.18).
Upgrade was tested on android-build.linaro.org clone, then on android-build itself, and over the weekend, ci.linaro.org and tcwg-ci.linaro.org followed.
The only regression with this upgrade is related to visual UI - in 1.580, Jenkins switched to a new theme, which is not compatible with existing Linaro theme, and Linaro theme actually causes some UI elements to be not available on new Jenkins version. So, it was disabled on all servers, we will look into updating Linaro theme at later time.
Otherwise, I didn't see any build failure which can be attributed to the upgrade. In particular, EC2 slave provision works as expected and reliably with the new plugin.
But please let me and Andy Doan know if you see any issue or have any question.
Thanks, and Happy New Year!