If I write Android.mk and device/linaro/common/common.mk like following, the pm-qa will not be build.
===device/linaro/common/common.mk=== powertop \ + pm-qa \ mmtest \
====pm-qa Android.mk ====
.PHONY: pm-qa
droid: pm-qa
systemtarball: pm-qa
#LOCAL_MODULE := pm-qa
pm-qa: \ $(CPUFREQ) \ $(CPUHOTPLUG) \ $(CPUIDLE) \ $(INCLUDE) \ $(SCHED_MC) \ $(SUSPEND) \ $(THERMAL) \ $(UTILS) mkdir -p ../../$(PRODUCT_OUT)/system/xbin/pm-qa/cpufreq && \ cp $(CPUFREQ) ../../$(PRODUCT_OUT)/system/xbin/pm-qa/cpufreq
On 12 June 2012 13:13, Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org wrote:
On 11 June 2012 21:40, Kejun Zhou kejun.zhou@linaro.org wrote:
I think this makefile issue is Android team's task. I don't like to
We don't disturb each other, we work together to build a solution that's going to work on the platforms we need the solution to work on. With that in mind what we have to do is create a single pm-qa LOCAL_MODULE that's dependent on all the other modules and then include the pm-qa hook in
alternatively you can use the busybox method and do something like:
.PHONY: busybox
droid: busybox
systemtarball: busybox
busybox: ...stuff
that doesn't require changes to device/linaro/common/common.mk but is fairly Linaro specific, so the previous solution is preferred. As a follow on we don't even need a hook in device/linaro/common/common.mk if
...and we build "tests"
in fact you could just update each one of your LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS to be tests and everything may work. To rebuild android for tests just
and then build. Bero and Zyga are working on getting all builds to make tests
On 12 June 2012 10:37, Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org wrote:
Adding Hongbo and Amit.
Which git are you working from?
On 11 June 2012 21:07, Kejun Zhou kejun.zhou@linaro.org wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kejun Zhou kejun.zhou@linaro.org Date: 11 June 2012 15:57 Subject: A question about Android build system. To: Mathieu Poirier mathieu.poirier@linaro.org, Bernhard
Bernhard.Rosenkranzer@linaro.org Cc: Zach Pfeffer zach.pfeffer@linaro.org
Hi, I have a question about adding pm-qa into Android. Could you give me some help? There are many scripts in pm-qa. Each script is independent test case.
My question is how to make the Android build the pm-qa automatically without a modification of target/product/core.mk.
Take the cpuidle which is one of pm-qa test modules. (1) There are cpuidle_01.sh, cpuidle_02.sh, cpuidle_03.sh and cpuidle_killer.c in pm-qa/cpuidle/ folder.
(2) The Android.mk lists cpuidle_01.sh, cpuidle_02.sh, cpuidle_03.sh
cpuidle_killer as independent modules.
include $(call all-subdir-makefiles) LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) module_name = cpuidle define $(module_name)_add_executable include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := tests LOCAL_MODULE := $1.sh LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $1.sh LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_OPTIONAL_EXECUTABLES)/pm-qa/$(module_name) include $(BUILD_PREBUILT) endef test_num := 01 02 03 $(foreach item,$(test_num),$(eval $(call
include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := cpuidle_killer LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= cpuidle_killer.c LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libcutils libc LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := tests LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_OPTIONAL_EXECUTABLES)/pm-qa/$(module_name) include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)
(3) Is it possible only add the pm-qa/cpuide folder under (Android_platform)/external/pm-qa, and the Android build system will build the pm-qa/cpuidle automatically?
BRs, Kejun
linaro-android mailing list linaro-android@lists.linaro.org http://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/linaro-android
-- Zach Pfeffer Android Platform Team Lead, Linaro Platform Teams Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs Follow Linaro: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Linaro http://twitter.com/#%21/linaroorg - http://www.linaro.org/linaro-blog
-- Zach Pfeffer Android Platform Team Lead, Linaro Platform Teams Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs Follow Linaro: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Linaro http://twitter.com/#%21/linaroorg - http://www.linaro.org/linaro-blog