Audio out is working through headphones. Where as it is not supported over HDMI.
There must be some problem with speaker out socket. Please your board with some other binary just to confirm.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Corey Carpenter Date: 27 June 2013 08:15 Subject: Pandaboard ES Audio Support To:
Hello All,
I am currently working with
On Pandaboard ES / 16gb card, 64gb USB Flash
I have tried many builds before, the last one that worked for me was 12.12
- this is the first 13.x release I could get to boot. But this is beside
the pint.
I see that Audio is claimed to be working, but I can't get a peep out of my board. I have yet to purchase an LVDS screen due to the no-audio blues, meanwhile I am running to a 720p Samsung TV via primary HDMI. So my question is, should I be able to get audio out of the headphone jack with my current configuration?
Logs show something like this:
AudioPolicyManager - getOutput() could not find output for stream 1, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channels 1, flags 4
To me this shows the absence of an audio device? I see the Audio row in the spreadsheet is green, and the HWAUDIO references a bug the explains audio over HDMI is not working. I hope I am not missing anything...
From what I gather Audio is working. Audio over HDMI is not working. But can I get audio out of the jack while using HDMI, if so how?
I have had this board for almost a year and would love to get this thing in my car and stop using my phone as an MP3 player :)
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