We have recently updated our panda builds due to which the instructions on building the sources have changed a little:
tracking-panda.xml based build is now update to pick 3.4 tilt-tracking kernel and currently doesn't have hw accelerated graphics and hence the graphics binaries need not be installed (skip running install-binaries-4.0.4.sh) . You need to export these parameters before triggering the build:
export TARGET_NO_HARDWAREGFX=1 export KERNEL_CONFIG=omap4plus_defconfig
Here is the update build: https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~linaro-android/panda-ics-gcc47-tilt...
The staging-panda.xml manifest has been updated to track the 3.2 kernel which was previously used in tracking-panda builds. This build would now need the graphics binaries (Run install-binaries-4.0.4.sh ) after creating the sdcard. This build would have the features/bugs of previous tracking-panda builds: https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~linaro-android/panda-ics-gcc47-tilt...
Regards, Vishal