4 months have passed since the previous Gerrit upgrade (see below for reference), when Systems team had wanted to upgrade directly to 2.12, but due to last-minute issues discovered in it, upgraded to 2.11.5 instead. Gerrit is at 2.12.2 now, with many issues fixed and it being quite stable now. We also have stakeholders waiting for 2.12 functionality any day now.
So, Systems team plan to upgrade the following systems:
review.linaro.org android-review.linaro.org dev-private-review.linaro.org lhg-review.linaro.org
starting end of day Friday, April 29th and throughout Saturday April 30th.
Let us know if you have questions or concerns (for example, if you need uninterrupted Gerrit access until end of the US day on April 29).
Thanks, Paul
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:01:46 +0200 From: Paul Sokolovsky Paul.Sokolovsky@linaro.org To: linaro-dev linaro-dev@lists.linaro.org, linaro-android linaro-android@lists.linaro.org, "systems@linaro.org" systems@linaro.org Subject: [ANN] Planning next Gerrit upgrade
We upgraded from Gerrit 2.8 to 2.10 in the beginning of September, and it went pretty smooth and let us overcome few annoying issues and enjoy few new features and better integration with other apps.
Unfortunately, 3 months later, 2.10 also feels old, with 2.12 having been released in the interim. With various Linaro groups continuing to leverage advanced Gerrit features and integrations with other apps (Jenkins, Bugzilla), Systems team faces various bugs and issues. None of these issues are too grave, but they're quite convoluted and take much time to be researched and understood. And then we find out that it's a known issue in 2.10, which was fixed in later versions.
Jenkins' Gerrit integration already requires 2.12 for full functionality and warns about our version being too old and some features not supported. Which in turns brings concerns that every time it doesn't work as expected, it may be because Gerrit plugin is no longer tested with 2.10 and hits some issue pertaining to it.
With that in mind, Systems team would like to start planning for next Gerrit upgrade, and move straight to the latest, 2.12.
To remind, the reason we didn't upgrade to 2.11 last time, was because 2.10 was the last version which included old-style change review screen, and we wanted to provide smoother transition and let people to try the new screen at their own pace. So, if you still use the old design, please go to https://review.linaro.org/#/settings/preferences , and in "Change View:" dropdown, select "New Screen", and give it a chance with the help of this doc: https://review.linaro.org/Documentation/user-review-ui.html
And if you have any concerns regarding the upgrade, please speak up now.
Otherwise, we can do it in one of the following timeframes:
1. Upgrade in January. 2. Upgrade a bit later, but still before the Connect. 3. Discuss and plan upgrade at the Connect.
Systems team votes for the choice 1, upgrade next month (apparently, by the end of), as that will allows us to deliver smoother Gerrit experience to other teams, instead of firefighting older version issues.
Thanks, Paul
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