Dear linaro, I follow the page to use the benchmark of libjpeg62 in my computer ,which operation system is Ubuntu 11.10. Run the " tjbench /mnt/mytmpfs/nightshot_iso_100.ppm 95 -rgb -quiet scale 1/2 tjbench /mnt/mytmpfs/nightshot_iso_100.ppm 95 -rgb " in terminal ,result tell me it is correct. But when I use " tjbench-libjpeg62 /mnt/mytmpfs/nightshot_iso_100.ppm 95 -rgb -quiet scale 1/2 tjbench-libjpeg62 /mnt/mytmpfs/nightshot_iso_100.ppm 95 -rgb " , system tell me it can not find "tjbench-libjpeg62" ,did libjpeg-turbo-1.2.1 only can be used in android ?
Best wishes.